Someday Goals

My children have a picture book on the shelf called, Someday is Not a Day of the Week written by Denise Brennan-Nelson. It’s one of those sneaky books that I think is actually written more for parents than for kids. The story is about a little beaver who asks his parents about doing some special activities together, and as they look at their always busy schedule, their answer is a well meaning but empty “someday.” However, the little beaver looks through his calendar and realizes “someday” is nowhere to be found and gets very confused about when these “someday” plans might happen. After bringing this to his parents’ attention, they all find ways to rearrange their plans and priorities to make that “someday” a reality, and the little beaver experiences the love and joy of putting their plans into action.

I think this story contains a very wise lesson for us all. How often have we dreamed of doing this or that only to put it off until a more opportune time that sadly never comes? Maybe it is the trip you have always wanted to take or a special outing with a friend or loved one. Perhaps you have been like the little beaver’s parents and have said to a friend, “Yes, we should do that or go there together…,” but in reality, time passes so quickly and the plans never come to fruition. Or worse, a relationship we had hoped to invest more in gets put to the side as the busyness of life keeps pushing us along, and before we know it, the opportunities to connect are gone or greatly diminished. 

Nobody wants to look back on their life and be filled with regrets or see that what they invested all of their time in ended up being secondary to goals that would bring them more meaning and joy. One way to avoid this is to pull out your calendar the next time someone you care about asks to make plans with you. If you are able to pick a date right then and make a note of it, this will show them they are a priority to you. When you have something planned ahead, you are less likely to forget about it and even if you end up needing to reschedule later, it will remain as a priority to be taken seriously. It also helps with big goals as well. For example, my husband and I want to take an international trip when all our kids are grown. A few years ago, we decided how much we would need to save for such a trip, which determined how much to set aside each year, so that the trip wouldn’t be just a nice dream, but something we could act on when the time was right. 

“Someday” plans can turn into realized actions with just a bit of extra planning. In the end, it is so wonderful to experience promises come true and priorities redefined to fit what will actually bring the most meaning to our lives.


  • Good intentions won’t mean as much to those we care about, but putting a plan into action will demonstrate our love and priorities in meaningful ways.

  • The next time you find yourself faced with an opportunity to make plans, try pulling out your calendar and actually setting a date. This will help you stick to it or make it a priority even if you have to reschedule later. 

  • Making a plan for big goals or small ones helps them become reality instead of just staying dreams.


  • Who is one person you have been hoping to connect with (a family member, friend, co-worker), but haven’t found the time to do so yet? What is one thing you could put on the calendar right now to show them they are a priority to you? 

  • What is a goal you have, whether relational, work related, a trip you want to go on or anything else you might be dreaming of? How can putting a date on the calendar help you meet that goal even if it is just a small step for now? 

  • What means more to you - when a friend says, “let’s make plans” but never gets back to you about them or when they immediately look through the calendar and do their best to figure out a date that works for both of you? Which of those responses do you generally give to others and why do you think that is?

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Great Goals for Teens


Making a "Done" List