Why won’t this feeling just go away?

Understanding and coping with anxiety.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is actually a powerful response so something in our environment that we need to survive. It’s our brain telling our body something’s wrong. Those symptoms you feel is your brain telling your body to remove yourself from the situation you’re in immediately.

But the problem is that sometimes your brain gets it wrong, telling your body there is danger when there is nothing to be afraid of. For many people that feeling gets so intense, it triggers what we commonly call an anxiety attack.

You’re probably like most people, you just want it to go away, so you avoid the things that create anxiety. After all it’s uncomfortable. But it’s supposed to be. To help you, there are a number of resources below that help you better understand anxiety and how to work through it. But as always, remember that you are not alone. There are always SoulMedics waiting to chat with you 24/7.

3 Key Things To Remember About Anxiety


Anxiety is a part of how we are designed. It’s our brain telling us there is danger.


We can avoid anxiety, but instead, must learn to work through it when your brain is playing tricks on us.


Use some key breathing techniques to help the anxiety move through you instead of controlling you.

You Don’t Need To Face This Struggle On Your Own

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